The carpal tunnel describes a tunnel in your wrist on the side of the palm. It houses several tendons and vessels including the median nerve, which is responsible for carpal tunnel symptoms. Repetitive use may cause inflammation to build up in the carpal tunnel which compresses on the median nerve through pressure.


Activities that may lead to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Repetitive use of the wrist


Signs and symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Pain, pins and needles or numbness on the palm side of the thumb, index finger, middle finger and/ or ring finger
  • Weakness with gripping such as holding a cup or a pencil
  • Long term pathology may cause atrophy of the hand muscles


What does the science say?

  • Mild cases can be treated with Physiotherapy and bracing
  • A patient may consider cortisone injection if not responsive to conservative treatment
  • Surgery may be required in persistent cases


How can Physiotherapy help?

Your Physiotherapist will be able to:

  • Assess if your symptoms are due to compression of the median nerve at the carpal tunnel or elsewhere
  • Help you identify aggravating activities
  • Help you identify positions of comfort
  • Provide manual therapy to reduce pain and overactivity in muscles
  • Guide you through nerve mobilisations and exercises
  • Guide you through different treatment options